Thursday, October 30, 2008

Election Day!

Election Day is in five days! With all the news media being focused on the campaign world news has really taken a back seat. In fact today was one of the first days in a while were I have heard world news on the tv. 48 people were killed in India after consecutive blasts from where they are still trying to determine. It's amazing how little we focus on anything else during general election. I can't wait for this election to be over, and for Americans to start focusing on solving issues rather than just talk about them. 5 DAYS

Monday, October 27, 2008

Scarrryyy Stuff

The men charged with plotting to kill Obama, was a scary story to read today. I knew this would be an issue but it's so sad to think that our country is still a long way from the racist past we've had. Check out the whole story on CNN, I'm technology challenged and every time I try to link things on here it doesn't work so I'm just telling you to check it out. :(

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dirty with a capital D

I am so sick of the negative campaigning from both sides, but it seems in these last three weeks before election day, John McCain's campaign and the Republican Committee have really been pulling out all the stops. Not only have there been an abundance of new negative ads circulating through the media, but now these nasty robo calls, and we received a brochure yesterday that made me a little sick. I have to laugh at John McCain's comment in the last debate about Obama having spent the most money on negative campaigning in history.....hmmmm CNN may want to fact check that one. Anyway the brochure we received from the Colorado Republican Committee was appalling. It was all about William Ayers and his "close" friendship with Barack Obama. It included quotes from Ayers about not regretting setting the bombs, next to a picture of Obama. It was absolutely ridiculous and I would hope that anyone who sees that would have the common sense to see the absurdity and the nasty game the republican committee puts on during elections, unfortunately there are still people ignorant enough to look at that and believe every word.....

I'm so incredibly ready for this election to be over. It has been such a nasty one and these last efforts by the Republicans are really putting it over the edge for me.