Sunday, November 30, 2008

Post Election Apathy

I can see that every one is kind of apathetic about these blogs now that the election is over and i'm glad i'm not the only one. No one seems to be commenting anymore and the stories about who Obama is choosing for his cabinet seem to be increasing. With all the craziness that inhabited the media and nation for that matter during this election it's hard to find excitement in writing about the days leading up to Obama's inauguration. Instead of finding myself reading stories on Obama's cabinet choices and which white house pup they will choose, I have been astonished by the events in Mumbai this last week. It is completely devastating the toll these terrorist attacks are taking. Maybe with all the election stuff settling down people can focus more on the World events that come to effect our nation just the same.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Obama's daughters pick a school

Economic Hope

In this hard economic time, President elect Obama is under a lot of pressure to assemble an intelligent resourceful team to meet the challenges of today. Here's an article that shares who has been chosen and who is still in the running for a place on the team.

CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) -- Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, who lost out to New York Federal Reserve President Timothy Geithner for the Treasury post, is expected to be the top economic adviser in the Obama White House, according to two sources close to the transition.
Lawrence Summers served as Treasury secretary under former President Bill Clinton.

Lawrence Summers served as Treasury secretary under former President Bill Clinton.

Selection of the Obama economic team comes as President-elect Obama offers an outline of his economic recovery plan to create 2.5 million jobs by 2011. Obama, in the weekly Democratic address Saturday, said American workers will rebuild the nation's roads and bridges, modernize its schools and create more sources of alternative energy.

Summers, who served as Treasury secretary in the Clinton administration, will be named chief of the National Economic Council by President-elect Barack Obama at an event in Chicago, Illinois, on Monday, the sources said.

Geithner's nomination to be Treasury secretary, the top economic post in the Cabinet, will also be officially announced at Monday's event, the sources said. Video Watch panelists weigh in on possible Cabinet choices »

The Obama transition team on Saturday announced several key appointments to his communications team.

Ellen Moran, the executive director of EMILY's List, will serve as Obama's communications director. Moran worked for the AFL-CIO, coordinating "Wal-Mart corporate accountability activities," before returning to EMILY's -- an organization dedicated to helping Democratic women get elected to office.

Robert Gibbs, an Obama campaign spokesman who also has acted as spokesman for the transition, will become Obama's press secretary -- one of the most highly visible roles in the administration.
Don't Miss

* Obama outlines job-creation plan

Gibbs, an Auburn, Alabama, native who has worked for Sen. Fritz Hollings, the Democratic Senatorial Committee and Sen. John Kerry's presidential campaign, was communications director, then a senior strategist, for the Obama campaign.

Dan Pfeiffer, current communications director with the transition team, will be Obama's deputy communications director. He began work with the Obama campaign in January 2007 as traveling press secretary before returning to Chicago to work as communications director.

"These individuals will fill essential roles, and bring a breadth and depth of experience that can help our administration advance prosperity and security for the American people," Obama said in a written statement. "This dedicated and impressive group of public servants includes longtime advisors and a talented new addition to our team, and together we will work to serve our country and meet the challenges of this defining moment in history."

We need this!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

He is the next President. Period.

I am so sick of receiving these nasty forwards about Obama being president and how the next four years will be filled with devastation and disaster. I recieved these texts after Tuesday night when the decision was final. I don't care if you necessarily agree or disagree with Obama, HE IS THE NEXT PRESIDENT of the United States and if our country is going to get through these troubled times it won't happen as a divided nation. It's time to come together.

McCain Pictures

Here's McCain rally photos

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The next President of the United States

They just elected Barack Obama as the next president of the United States. I am so amazed and in awe and as they pan over the audience I can tell that there is so much hope in this country right now. God Bless America

obama photos

i finally uploaded my Obama pictures onto my computer and hopefully i can get my mcCain ones up soon.


OHIO and PENNSYLVANIA! excellent! This is such an exciting night and it is so great to see that our country has for the most part come far enough to possibly see a black president. :)

Red Pom Poms and Toby Keith

Today I attended the John McCain rally with Kiah, and Katie Lewis. We arrived at the rally at seven o'clock and were only about the thirtieth or fortieth people in line so we knew we would be guaranteed good seats. I really wanted to go so that no matter what I could say that I had seen the next president of the United States. I had three Obama buttons in my sweatshirt that I had planned on wearing but not wanting to have any confrontation that is where they stayed. They let us in at 8:30 out of the drizzling rain and we found our spots at the front by the stage! Right next to it! I thought we had been close at the Obama rally when we were twenty feet away but it was nothing in comparison to the five feet we were from the stage today! So after five hours of waiting and being handed red pom poms, listening to way too much country music and seeing my fair share of NObama shirts it was almost time for him to arrive. A man that was volunteering came over to us and asked if we were high school students and we replied that we were, he asked if there was a large Obama following at our high school and we said yes at told him that we were Obama supporters, then he asked if we could vote and we said no and he said good. It was really funny and I could definitely sense the uncertainty of McCain becoming president. When McCain's plane pulled up and him, Cindy, his mother, and Libermann stepped out there was pandemonium.I can honestly say that the rally for McCain was much more enthusiastic and crazy than the Obama rally. I was actually very pleased to see that in his speech John McCain did not speak negatively of Obama but rather focused on himself and how much he needed everyone to vote today and the fight he would put up for America. He only spoke for about ten minutes which was really disappointing after waiting five hours but I'm glad we went. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to be in the presence of two presidential candidates and who knows when the next time a presidential candidate should come to Grand Junction. Unfortunately, we walked away right before he came to shake our hands, to try and beat traffic. Now im going to sit back and watch the election results come in on this historic day!

Monday, November 3, 2008


I'm going to see McCain tomorrow! I don't agree with him at all on his policies but I think this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and although I was much more enthusiastic to see Obama, I am excited to see him tomorrow! I have RSVP'd and I will quietly rep Obama with my buttons. Yay for Grand Junction having some importance in this election!