Sunday, April 26, 2009

New York Times Article 2

Pentagon Weighs Cuts and Revisions of Weapons April 4

The Army's expensive Future combat Systems and exotic missile defense programs are likely to be cut back.

These changes are the first step in the reshaping of the military under the Obama administration. Robert M. Gates, the secretary of defense is expected to announce the changes on Monday. Although he is not disclosing details of the changes yet he did make it clear of his intention to take a "hatchet" to troubled high-tech programs designed for fighting countries like China or Russia. This in turn would help free up money for simpler systems.

Gates is likely to cut 1 to 2 billion dollars from missile defense programs. Focusing the budget on systems to protect soldiers from short range missiles.

These proposals will go to the White House and a budget will be sent to Congress in May.

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