Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Palin Obama Experience

There has been a lot of skepticism throughout the past year about Obama's experience in politics. It has been a major negative campaign focus for the republicans and has even caused some Hillary supporters to look the other way. I wish that all of those people not willing to give him a chance because he may not have as much political experience on a large scale, compared to John McCain, would look at the nominee for the GOP vice president. The new campaign ads are calling both McCain AND Palin the original mavericks and I think it's a real stretch to call McCain an original maverick let alone Palin. Experience is definitely not the strong suit for Palin and yet all those excited about her becoming the VP are most of the same people criticizing Obama for his "inexperience." Let's not be so quick to judge.


Hillary said...

I definitely agree. I mean, look at our former president Abraham Lincoln. The man only served 4 terms in the House of Representatives, and failed to get a seat in the Senate. He obviously had little experience, but look what he did for America...obviously experience isn't everything. People need to chill out on it. Besides, look where experience has gotten us. Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld all have experience in politics, and yet they obviously don't know how to run a country. I mean, look at the US now. It certainly isn't doing super well on a lot of things.

Anonymous said...

my dear friend, considering McCain's 22 years serving our country, I think he's more than deserved the title of "maverick".


danielp said...

ellie: i definitely agree.

others: let's not jump on Obama's "lack of experience"; before he was voted in, Bush had never left the country. Obama, obviously, has.

I think experience can't really be a measure of solid time, but of what is done with the time they have used.

Ellie said...

"maverick" means someone who goes against convention, not someone with lots of experience.

KDietz said...

I see what you are saying but the inexperienced battle has been so overdone...on both parties...I'm a little nauseous.