Monday, September 15, 2008

Obammmaaa :)

So now that I am finished with the homework I would just like to say a few words on what I experienced today. I'm sure that everyone who went today has blogged about it but oh well! I was absolutely in awe today! I have watched MANY Obama speeches and even though he had the aid of teleprompter, I am so impressed with his eloquence and presence...even more so in person! It was a once in a lifetime experience and the four hours of standing were completely worth seeing who I hope is the next president of the United States. He addressed all of the issues in summary, but made a point of talking about the news today of the Lehman brothers bankruptcy and the drop in DOW which has the stock market in a crisis. Events like this and the recent destruction of hurricane Ike make me realize that much more how important it is that this country see change. Obama offers change, not only economically which is issue number one for voters, but environmentally, in education, in foreign dependency. I hope that those who are independents unsure of who they are supporting, saw his speech or at least highlights because I believe the solutions he offers are beneficial to everyone. We all are aware that Colorado and particularly Grand Junction and Pueblo are going to be vital in putting him in office.

Let's do it Colorado!

1 comment:

Tim Coit said...

I'm glad you got to go to the speech. I wish I had a teleprompter.