Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration of a Lifetime!

Today was a very historic and epic day. I was afraid that due to my educational duties I would miss the inauguration of President Barack Obama, but as luck would have it I found a way to watch it live. The short oath was incredibly exciting but I was in anticipation for the speech and what analyists have been calling "what will be, one of the greatest speeches of all time." When he gave his speech it was eloquent and perfectly delivered as was to be expected. He talked about the many hardships facing our country and the struggles our country will no doubt have in the next four years. I liked that he didn't try to sugar coat the situation our nation is in. Instead he instilled hope by recognizing our crisis and offering his new administration of hope and that the problems will be met. He said it may take time, but they will be met. Today really brought it home for me that times will change, I truly believe that this country will benefit from this term and there is no question he has been given a tough and trying time to become President of the United States, but I have full faith that he will rise to meet the challenge and get this country on the track to getting back on track. I don't expect miracles but this is a step towards better times. For my generation, who will have to deal with these problems this is a welcoming advance. YAY OBAMA!

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