Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mr. Smith and the bill/law process!

Although I didn't watch the entire movie, "Mr Smith goes to Washington",I will do my best to explain the process of making a bill into a law in my interpretation from the movie.
-A bill was introduced by the senator Mr. Smith
-It was then discussed in senate in which Mr. Smith held the floor until the senators who were so quick to dismiss the bill listened to the reasoning behind his proposal of the bill.

This is the point in the movie in which I stopped watching so I'll explain the rest of the bill law process out of context of the movie.

Once a bill is refered to a committee, the committee considers the bill. If the bill makes it past the committees approval, they report it to the members of house or senate. It is read and amended and then read a third time in which the members vote on whether to veto the bill or not. If the bill passes this process, it then is sent to the second chamber, either the house or the senate and the process is repeated. If the bill then passes the second chamber it is then signed into law or vetoed by the Governer. If the Governer vetos the bill the legislature can override the veto and make it law.


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