Monday, January 12, 2009

Ritter's Senatorial Appointment!

In the article I found on the Denver Post by Karen Crummy, I found some interesting things about Bennet. I had really no idea who he was but after reading this I find him to be a seemingly suitable guy for Colorado's senate seat. I really liked his background in being the Denver public school's superintendent. He has had experience and is aware of the conditions of Colorado public schools. The article also said in addition to this that he is nationally known as an urban-education reformer and was even on Obama's short list for education secretary. In addition to his education background Bennet was also a lawyer at the U.S. Department of Justice so he has experience in that area as well. I think all too often education is overlooked in not only local levels but definitely national and I think it will be beneficial to have a man passionate about education in higher office. Good Choice in my book!

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